Yoti Ltd - Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework 

Yoti Ltd – Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework

6th Floor, 107 Leadenhall St, London, EC3A 4AF

Scope of Certification

Yoti Ltd, can through Identity Verification Services and the Yoti App establish official identity for digital use, in accordance with the United Kingdom Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework published by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport on the gov.uk website on 13 June 2022 with reference “beta”, and as more particularly specified in the Schedule of Certification.

Certificate-30.05.24(V4 30.09.24)-Yoti-DIATF-Lloyds Bank Smart ID

Certificate-30.05.24(V4 30.09.24)-Yoti-DIATF-Yoti Digital ID

Certificate-30.05.24(V4 30.09.24)-Yoti-DIATF-Post Office EasyID

Certificate-30.05.24(V3 30.08.24)-Yoti-DIATF-Yoti IDV

Certification validity: 29/05/2026

Yoti Ltd - PASS 

6th Floor, 107 Leadenhall St, London, EC3A 4AF

Scope of Certification

Yoti Ltd, as an e-IDVT provider, can accurately, appropriately and to acceptable and identified levels of assurance, as set out in Guidance from the Home Office, disseminate to an accredited Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS) card issuer identity attributes of name, date of birth, gender and appearance verified by reference to appropriate primary credentials for PASS Individual Applications with Current Photographic Identification.

Certification validity: 06/03/2026

Yoti Ltd - Level 2 Facial Age Estimation

Yoti Ltd – Level 2 Facial Age Estimation

6th Floor, 107 Leadenhall St, London, EC3A 4AF

The Yoti’s Facial Age Estimation with API model version Aug24, a product process or service provided by Yoti Ltd has been assessed and found to meet the requirements of ACCS 1:2020 Technical Requirements for Age Estimation Technologies.

ACCS 1:2020 Technical Requirements for Age Estimation Technologies




Certification validity: 21/10/2026

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